Portal User Settings

The Provider Portal has a “User Settings” feature that can be set up by each user, and allows you to manage System Email Notifications.

To set up your System Email Notifications under User Settings:

1. Log in to the Provider Portal at portal.ovation.io

2. Select Settings from the dropdown menu next to your user name at the top right of any window

3. Notifications Settings will appear with a default setting to receive report complete email notifications instantly

To schedule a single daily email with a complete digest of reports that are ready:

        A. Select Daily from the drop down menu

        B. Select the time of day you would like to receive the email notification

4. If the “Comments” feature is enabled for your portal, you will also see a “Comment Email Notifications” section where you can control email notifications for comments on orders.

  • To receive an email notification if a comment is added to an order, toggle “Comments are added” to green/On
  • To receive an email notification when you are specifically mentioned in a comment, toggle “A person mentions me in a comment” to green/On

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