Adding a New Plating Configuration

Plating Configurations provide the system with your lab’s specific routing of samples from a source plate to a destination plate.  These configurations will become options in the drop down menus of compatible workflow plating steps.

Tip: Your Customer Success Manager will set up initial plating configurations during the implementation process. Please contact Support or Customer Success if you would like assistance the first time you do it on your own.

Go to More > Lab > Plating Configurations

  • Click the Add Plating Configuration button
  • Name your Plating Configuration (ex. PGx Plating)
  • Under Input, upload a tab-delimited text file (.TXT) in the Source plate area. The file should have the following column header names and the associated column values:  Well Position in column 1 and Sample Name in column 2
    • This file represents the source plate where the samples will be coming from

Tip: The values for the Well Position column in the input file should be entered as A01, A02, etc., rather than A1, A2, etc.

Tip: The sample names in the input file are placeholders. They must be unique and should match the sample names used in the Setup plates files (see below). Recommended values for Sample Name column are Sample1, Sample2, Sample3, etc.

  • Under Output, choose a Destination Plate type from the dropdown menu
  • Enter the column header names from your Input file for both well position and sample identifier
    • Well Position Column: Well Position
    • Sample Identifier Column: Sample Name
  • Upload a tab-delimited text file (.TXT) in the Setup plates area. The file should have the following column header names and the associated column values:  Well Position in column 1 and Sample Name in column 2
    • This file represents the destination plate where the samples will be going to

  • If more than one destination plate is needed, additional files can be dropped into the Setup plates area
  • Click the Create button
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