Importing Requisitions
Requisitions can be imported in batches using the Requisition Import feature. This can be useful if your lab receives orders via a sample manifest or electronic file format.
1. Go to Projects and click on the Project for which you would like to import a batch of requisitions.
2. Click the Requisitions tab inside the Project.
3. Click the green Add Requisition button and choose Import Requisition.
4. Select the Template from the drop-down menu in the Import Requisitions window.
5. You can now choose 2 actions:
a. Download the Template File: this will generate a CSV file with the appropriate columns for the Requisition Template chosen in step 4. See notes below on how to fill out the template.
b. Upload a completed Requisition Template CSV file
6. Click the green Create button to complete the import.
Tip: Hover over any yellow, blue or red fields to view additional information on why those fields are highlighted.
How to fill in a Requisition Template CSV
- Each row in the CSV file represents a requisition. If the identifier matches an existing requisition, information will be updated; if it does not, a new requisition will be created with the provided information.
- The first row shows example data and should be removed/deleted before importing the file.
- The columns of the batch file represent fields in the requisition.
- Do NOT change the column headers or they will not be recognized upon import.
- But is It is OK to rearrange the columns.
- You must always at least provide values for these fields on every row:
- identifier (can be left blank if auto-generated)
- sample_collection_date
- test_panel_code
- num_samples
- sample_#_identifier (can be left blank if auto-generated)
- sample_#_group_name
- sample_#_state_position
- sample_#_container_type
- The columns for sample information will be repeated to match the number of samples configured to be the maximum for the template. Set the num_samples column on each row to indicate how many you are importing. Note that at least one sample is required for every requisition.
- The number of samples in the template will match what is set as the maximum for that requisition. If the maximum number is different than what is being imported, be sure to change ‘num_sample’ column data to the number of samples being imported.
- Once imported, the Requisitions may appear as Incomplete, Complete, or Verified depending on how much information was included in the import CSV file and the configuration of the template.
The table below lists the formatting requirements for requisition template headers, descriptions and example data to use in each column.
Header Name/Format | Description | Example Data (BOLD = case-sensitive) |
identifier | Requisition identifier - may be left blank if auto-generation is turned on [String] | REQ-01289 |
sample_collection_date | Format should match the Datetime Input Format set in Display Preferences under OvDx Administration tab settings. Note: In the csv file, use the format that matches your display preference settings, but Do Not change Display Preferences Format in OvDx since this will affect other areas of your LIMS. | 04/20/2020 22:1004-20-2020 10:1004-20-2020 09:00 AM Note: Legacy (older version) requisitions support date only, but new versions require date and time. |
test_panel_code | Test Panel Code as defined in the More > Lab > Test Panels page. If more than one Test Panel is to be selected for a single requisition, multiple codes should be delimited by a ‘pipe’ (vertical bar on same keyboard key as backslash) “|” [String] | IDT-COVID-19|RPP |
num_samples | Number of samples included in that requisition. Note: If ‘2’ is in this column and you are only uploading 1 sample, the import will not validate [Integer] |
1 |
sample_#_identifier | Sample identifier - may be left blank if auto-generation is turned on. Substitute the # sign in the header with 1 or 2 (dependent on 1st sample data or second sample data) [String] | COV-01289-1 |
sample_#_group_name | Group name as defined in the Samples section of the requisition form. Should be set to “default” if no sample groups are configured. [String] | COVID-19 |
sample_#_collected_by | Name of person who collected the sample [String] | Dr. Johnson |
sample_#_date_received | Format should match the Datetime Input Format set in Display Preferences under OvDx Administration tab settings. Note: In the csv file, use the format that matches your display preference settings, but Do Not change Display Preferences Format in OvDx since this will affect other areas of your LIMS. |
04/20/2020 22:1004-20-2020 10:1004-20-2020 09:00 AM Note: Legacy (older version) requisitions support date only, but new versions require date and time. |
sample_#_state_label | Sample type. Data must match one of the options in the drop-down choices for sample type exactly. [String] Note: Can be left blank if there is only 1 sample type associated with the requisition template. |
Swab Nasopharyngeal swab Urine blood |
sample_#_state_position | Position in container. Use A01 for tubes. [String] | A01 |
sample_#_container_type | Sample Container type - supported options: Tube, Plate96, Plate384, Plate16 [String] | Tube |
sample_#_container_barcode | Container barcode. If left blank, the barcode will be auto-generated. Must be unique if provided. [String] | S10098734A |
patient_mrn | Medical Record Number [String] | 1234567 |
patient_first_name | Patient’s first name [String] | John |
patient_middle_name | Patient’s middle name [String] | Joe |
patient_last_name | Patient’s last name [String] | Doe |
patient_date_of_birth | Format should match the Datetime Input Format set in Display Preferences under OvDx Administration tab settings. Note: In the csv file, use the format that matches your display preference settings, but Do Not change Display Preferences Format in OvDx since this will affect other areas of your LIMS. |
04/20/2020 04-20-2020 |
patient_street_address | Patient’s street address [String] | 32 Pearl St |
patient_street_address_line2 | Apartment or Unit number | Apt 5 |
patient_city | Patient’s city [String] | Cambridge |
patient_state | Patient’s state: 2 letter abbreviation or spelled out [String] | MA Massachusetts |
patient_country | Patient’s country [String] | United States US USA |
patient_zip_code | Patient’s zip code [String] | 02114 |
patient_phone_number | Patient’s phone number [String] | 6171234567 |
patient_sex | Patient’s sex: M, F, U, Male, Female, Undisclosed [String] | M or Male F or Female U or Undisclosed |
patient_ethnicity | Patient’s ethnicity. Supported options: hispanic, nothispanic and undisclosed [String] | Nothispanic Hispanic undisclosed |
patient_race | Patient’s race. Supported options: white, asian, native, black, islander and undisclosed [String] | White |
patient_email | Patient’s email [String] | |
provider_account | Provider Account name must match existing account name exactly (alternative field sales_account) [String] | Happy Clinic |
license_registry | Type of Provider registry. Supported options: NPI, Australian Health Practitioner Registry, European Physician, ex-US / clinical trial, Philippines PRC, South American Physician Note: this field is optional if using NPI Providers; this field is required if using non-NPI Providers. |
NPI European Physician (Ovation will assume ‘NPI’ if this field is left blank or the column is missing) |
provider_npi | Provider’s NPI number or other registry number if using non-NPI Provider (alternative field physician_npi) [String] | 9999999999 |
provider_name | Name of Provider (only required if creating a new non-NPI Provider) | Dr. Test, MD |
medication | List of medications or RXCUI codes delimited by a ‘pipe’ (vertical bar on same key as backslash) “|” [String] | Maalox|Macrobid 29115|152001 |
icd10_code | List of ICD-10 codes delimited by a ‘pipe’ (vertical bar on same key as backslash) “|” [String] | A00.0|G00.0 A000|G000 |
bill_type | Indicates what type of billing should be used. Supported options are: Insurance, Patient Bill, Institutional Bill Note: Several additional billing columns follow the bill_type column. Only fill in the additional billing fields that correspond to the billing type indicated in the bill_type column. |
Insurance Patient Bill Institutional Bill |
has_secondary_use_notification | Indicates if patient has been notified of secondary use. | 0: patient not notified 1: patient notified 2: patient notified but has opted out of one or more entitlements |
secondary_use_entitlements | In the case where the has_secondary_use_notification field is set to 2, this field shall denote the list of entitlements that are allowed (on the requisition’s samples), each separated by the “|” character. | can-use-specimen can-use-clinical-data can-recontact-patient can-use-specimen|can-use-clinical-data|can-recontact-patient |
has_medical_consent | Indicates if medical consent has been given for the sample(s) on the requisition. | 0: medical consent has been given 1: medical consent has not been given |
Custom Attributes Examples: requisition_billing_notes is_pregnant |
Custom fields that have been added to the requisition template. Types: Boolean checkbox (true/false) Text box, select or radio options (string) Multi-select: multiple values should be delimited by a ‘pipe’ (vertical bar on same keyboard key as backslash) “|” |
TRUE=Yes, True, T, or 1 FALSE=No, False, F or 2 STAT order|call with results |
- If your CSV includes a requisition ID that already exists in the LIMS (case-insensitive match), a warning will appear. If the file is then imported, requisition fields will be updated including adding additional sample to the requisition. Fields on that requisition are only updated if a value is provided in the CSV (non-string fields) or if the value provided is not “null” (string fields).
- All of the following will generate errors and block the file import:
- Collection Date: if it’s a future date, if it’s before 1900, if it’s before the date of birth
- Received Date: if it’s a future date, if it’s before 1900, if it’s before the Collection Date
- Patient Date of Birth: if it’s a future date, if it’s before 1900
- Patient State: if country is US and it’s not a valid state (or abbreviation)
- Patient Zip Code: if country is US and it isn’t in a valid format, if country is US and zip code does not belong to provided state
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