PGx CLS Express Workflow
Step 1: Login
Login to Ovation Using Your credentials
Step 2:
Click Projects
Step 3: Select the Project that your lab has created for the testing that you will be performing.
Step 4: Add a Requisition
- Once you are in the appropriate project, navigate to the Requisitions tab and Click Add Requisition.
- Add New Requisition
- Add New Requisition
- Select Appropriate Template
Step 5: Complete All Required Fields
- Use the Missing Fields Icon to Determine What is Required.
Step 6: Save and Sign Requisition
- Upon Save, Requisition Status gumdrop will turn yellow
- Upon Sign, Requisition Status gumdrop will turn green
Most Important Parts of a Requisition:
- Select Sample Type
- Mark as Received
- Use the calendar to select all dates
- Create a New Container>Add
- This is the container that the sample arrived in.
- This is the container that the sample arrived in.
- Select a Test Panel
- What test are you performing on this sample?
- What test are you performing on this sample?
- Enter a Valid ICD-10 Code (Validated by Ovation)
- Select a Clinic and Provider
- This contact will receive the report
- Required fields to save may be different than required fields to sign a requisition.
- The button marked Enable for Processing will allow you to move a sample forward to testing without completing all required fields for signing a requisition. However, in order for a report to be generated, a requisition must be signed.
- If you integrated with a billing service, you must add insurance information on the requisition in order for a billing message to be released once a report is signed.
- If you ever need Ovation support, it is a good idea to copy and paste the URL into your support ticket request. This will allow support to access the exact page where you are having an issue.
You’ve just Accessioned a Sample.
Time to Add it to a Workflow
PGx Workflow
Step 4: Begin a PGx Workflow
- Navigate to the Workflows Section.
- Click the bar graph showing queued samples for PGx Express workflow.
- Alternatively, you can click the button on the left.
- This will bring up the Modal to Create a new Workflow.
- Select from the drop down menu and click Create.
Step 5: Create batch
- Click Create Batch
- All queued samples are automatically selected. To select specific samples, either deselect all and select required samples, or deselect just samples not going into batch.
- All queued samples are automatically selected. To select specific samples, either deselect all and select required samples, or deselect just samples not going into batch.
Step 6: Batch Plating
- Create a new container by clicking the radio button, selecting the type of container and clicking Add.
- Ovation will automatically assign positions to all samples located in the previously created batch, upon clicking Submit.
- Ovation will automatically assign positions to all samples located in the previously created batch, upon clicking Submit.
- The first step of any workflow is to create a batch. This will allow you to assign queued samples to the batch that you are testing.
- Upon creating a new workflow, Ovation will assign a unique identification number to the workflow at the end.
Step 7a: To begin CNV, click CNV results.
- Potential containers (Input Candidates) are displayed at the top of the page. To select one, either scan the barcode or enter the input container and click search.
- The container map is displayed with assigned samples.
- The container map is displayed with assigned samples.
Step 8a: Results
- Results entry section contains tabs for specific results tabs.
- Raw Results: Instrument raw results file.
- Can be any type of file, commonly .eds
- Message Validated Successfully = File Saved in Ovation.
Raw Results File Entry
Tip: This file is stored by Ovation but is not used to parse data, send data to reporting provider, or displayed in QC.
- Analysis:
- Must be a .csv file with the exact column headers displayed.
- Message: Validated Successfully = File type is correct.
- Error: Uploaded File contains incorrect headers.
- Cannot complete step until correct file is uploaded.
- Warning Found: File contains one of the following: Sample Missing, or Contains Additional Samples or Data (columns).
- File can still be submitted
- Click Submit
Analysis File Entry
Incorrect Header, Remove File and Upload Correct File.
Correct Header, Warnings Found, Remove and Upload Correct File.
Correct File
Tip: This file is used by Ovation to parse data, send data to reporting provider, and display in QC activity.
Step 9a: Quality Control (QC)
- Samples in batch are displayed in the left panel.
- Sample Routing is performed using the drop down box in the left panel.
- Options are Submit, Reject, Repeat, Ignore
- Click to open the results and display them in the right panel.
Tip: If assays are within reporting providers QC criteria, samples are defaulted to Submit, assays are defaulted to Accept.
- Review each assay for the selected sample. Review options are:
- Accept (green check),
- Reject (Red crossed circle) or
- Ignore (eye)
- To mark the assay as reviewed, click the radio button next to the review options.
- To review all assays at once or accept defaulted options for all assays, click the radio button above the results panel, or the radio button next to the sample in the left panel.
Tip: If reviewing multiple assays or samples at once, a modal will request confirmation of activity.
- Once Samples and Assays are all reviewed, click Submit to send accepted data to reports provider to generate report.
Tip: Report will not be generated by reporting provider until both CNV and Genotype are complete.
SNP / Genotype
Step 7a: To begin SNP / Genotype, click SNP results
- Potential containers (Input Candidates) are displayed at the top of the page. To select one, either scan the barcode or enter the input container and click search.
- The container map is displayed with assigned samples.
- The container map is displayed with assigned samples.
Step 8a: Results
- Results entry section contains tabs for specific results tabs.
- Raw Results: Instrument raw results file.
- Can be any type of file, commonly .eds
- Message Validated Successfully = File Saved in Ovation
Raw Results File Entry
Tip: This file is stored by Ovation but is not used to parse data, send data to reporting provider, or displayed in QC.
- Analysis:
- Must be a .csv file with the exact column headers displayed.
- Message: Validated Successfully = Correct File Type was input.
- Error: Uploaded File contains incorrect headers.
- Cannot complete step until correct file is uploaded
- Warning Found: File contains one of the following: Sample Missing, or Contains Additional Samples or Data (columns).
- File can still be submitted.
- Click Submit
Analysis File Entry
Incorrect Header, Remove File and Upload Correct File
Correct Header, Warnings Found, Remove and Upload Correct File
Correct File
Tip: This file is used by Ovation to parse data, send data to reporting provider, and display in QC activity.
SNP / Genotype QC
Step 9a: Quality Control (QC)
- Samples in batch are displayed in the left panel.
- Sample Routing is performed using the drop down box in the left panel.
- Options are Submit, Reject, Repeat, Ignore
- Click to open the results and display them in the right panel.
Tip: If assays are within reporting providers QC criteria, Samples are defaulted to Submit, Assays are defaulted to Accept.
- Review each assay for the selected sample. Review options are:
- Accept (green check),
- Reject (Red crossed circle) or
- Ignore (eye)
- To mark the assay as reviewed, click the radio button next to the review options.
- To review all assays at once, or accept defaulted options for all assays, click the radio button above the results panel, or the radio button next to the sample in the left panel.
Tip: If reviewing multiple assays or samples at once, a modal will request confirmation of activity.
- Once Samples and Assays are all reviewed, click Submit to send accepted data to reports provider to generate report.
Tip: Report will not be generated by reporting provider until both CNV and Genotype are complete.
PGx Reports
Step 10: Review Report
- Upon Submission of QC, CNV data and SNP/Genotype data is combined and data is submitted for report generation.
- Reports are returned to Ovation, click the Sign Report Button to review and approve report.
Tip: Reports can be found: on Organization Dashboard, Workflow Samples panel, Reports tab within the Requisition.
- Review report
- Enter password in the Provide Password field to assign electronic signature.
- Click Approve or Reject
- If Rejected, notify patient and/or primary provider of results.
- If Approved, a new version of the report will be created (located in the dropdown menu), and available for view or download.
- Approved reports can be distributed appropriately.