Document APIs

You can manage documents through the following APIs.

Get Documents

Use this endpoint to get information about a selected set of documents linked to requisitions.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v3/documents

Query Parameters

Key Required Description
projectTemplateId yes Limits response to documents linked to requisitions in this project templateInternal project template identifier. Copy from URLs. (It's the 789 in this example:
requisitionIdentifier yes Limits response to documents linked to the requisition with this Requisition Identifier
folderName no Limits response to documents in this folder
startDate yes Limits response to documents created on or after this date
endDate yes Limits response to documents created on or before this date
page no Page number being requestedDefaults to page 1 if not supplied
perPage no Number of documents to return per pageMaximum of 5000 and defaults to 5000 if not supplied


This endpoint can return the following responses:

Response code Response body
200 to indicate success JSON describing the requested documents (see below)
401 to indicate an authentication error
404 to indicate an error with the request The validation errors found
For example: "ProjectRequisitionTemplateAssociation Not Found" or "Requisition Not Found"

Response Body

  "documents": [
    "id": 3456789,
    "name": "example.pdf",
    "requisitionId": 1123456,
    "requisitionIdentifier": "REQ-1",
    "downloadLink": "https://...",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-25T22:06:21.000Z",
    "uploadLink": null
    "currentPage": 3,
    "perPage": 100,
    "totalEntries": 1234
Field name Description
documents[].id The system-provided internal identifier for the document; do not use
documents[].name The document's name
documents[].requisitionId The system-provided internal identifier for the document's requisition; do not use
documents[].requisitionIdentifier The Requisition Identifier of the document's requisition
documents[].downloadLink A temporary URL from which you can download the document; pass the same bearer token in that download request
documents[].createdAt When the document was created
documents[].uploadLink Always null for this API
When this body is returned from the API used to create requisitions (see below), this is a temporary URL to which you can upload the document; pass the same bearer token in that download request
meta.currentPage The number of documents per page (the same as the value expressed in the page query parameter)
meta.perPage The number of documents per page (the same as the value expressed in the perPage query parameter)
meta.totalEntries The total number of documents that satisfy the query parameters (not the number of documents in this response)

Create a Document

Use this API to create and upload a new document.


POST /api/v3/documents

Request Body

    "projectTemplateId": int,
    "requisitionIdentifier": "string",
    "folderName": "Some folder name",
    "fileName": "example.pdf",
    "fileContent": "the base64-encoded contents of the file",
    "returnUploadLink": true
Field name Required Description
projectTemplateId yes Internal project template identifier. Copy from URLs. (It's the 789 in this example:
requisitionIdentifier yes The Requisition Identifier of the requisition this document will be linked to
folderName yes Folder document will be added to
fileName yes Name of document to be added
fileContent optional Base64 content of file (only used if not requesting an upload link)
returnUploadLink optional Used to request a link to upload the file to S3 (only used if not sending fileContent) The upload file's name must match fileName .


Response code Response body
201 Indicating the resource was successfully created As described above under Get Documents
401 Indicating an authentication error  
422 Indicating an error with the request contents The validation error(s) foundFor example: "fileName required" or "Folder Name invalid or not found"




something bo



  "firstName": "John",

  "lastName": "Smith",

  "age": 25





Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1]


[^1]: This is the footnote.

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