
The  report_ready_for_generation and report_correction_ready_for_generation webhooks are both triggered when a report is generated. The payload for both has the same structure, with the only difference being the value of the eventType field. If the report is an initial report or a regenerated report of type Final, eventType will be "report_ready_for_generation". If it is a regenerated report of type Correction, eventType will be "report_correction_ready_for_generation". They are two distinct webhooks and they must be each be configured to receive a webhook whenever any report is signed.

Sample Payload

  "eventType": "report_ready_for_generation",
  "reportId": 1,
  "projectTemplateId": 1,
  "workflowId": 1,
  "timestamp": 1647886336,
  "organizationTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles"

Payload Description

Key Type Description
eventType string The action performed
reportId integer ID of the report created
projectTemplateId integer ID of the project template
workflowId integer ID of the workflow report generated from
workflowDefinitionId integer ID of the workflow definition used by workflow
workflowName string Name of workflow report generated from
overallStatus string Overall status of the requisition
requisitionIdentifier string Requisition Identifier
requisitionCustomAttributes object Key value pairs for all custom attributes associated with the requisition
sampleIdentifier string Sample Identifier
sampleCollectionDate string DateTime sample was collected in UTC 
sampleReceivedDate string DateTime sample was received in UTC 
sampleLabel string Sample label
sampleStatus string Sample status
sampleCustomAttributes object Key value pairs for all custom attributes associated with the sample
patientIdentifier string Patient Identifier
patientMRN string Patient MRN
patientFirstName string Patient first name
patientMiddleName string Patient middle name
patientLastName string Patient last name
patientDateOfBirth string Patient DOB
patientAddressLine1 string Patient address line 1 (street address)
patientAddressLine2 string Patient address line 2 (suite/apartment #)
patientCity string Patient city
patientState string Patient state
patientPostalCode string Patient postal code
patientPhoneNumber string Patient phone number
patientRace string Patient race
  • White
  • Asian
  • American Indian / Alaska Native
  • Black / African American
  • Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander
  • Undisclosed
patientEthnicity string Patient ethnicity
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Hispanic or Latino
  • Undisclosed
patientGender string Patient gender
  • male
  • female
  • undisclosed
patientCustomAttributes object Key value pairs for all custom attributes associated with the patient
providerAccountName string Provider account name
providerAccountNumber string Provider account number
providerAccountStreetAddress string Provider account street address line 1 (street address)
providerAccountStreetAddressLine2 string Provider account  street address line 2 (suite/apartment #)
providerAccountStreetAddressCity string Provider account city
providerAccountStreetAddressState string Provider account state
providerAccountStreetAddressPostalCode string Provider account postal code
providerAccountStreetAddressCountry string Provider account country
providerAccountPhoneNumber string Provider account phone number
providerNPI string Provider NPI
providerFirstName string Provider first name
providerLastName string Provider last name
testPanels array Array of panel names tested for the requisition
ex: ["Covid-19","PGx"]
medications array Array of medication names entered in the Req Form
diagnosis array Array of diagnosis codes entered in the Req Form
ex: [ "Z94.0"]
results  deprecated object Get test results by calling the Test Results API (link) with a  workflowSampleResultId returned by this webhook in the sampleTestResults. (See below.)
reportResultDetails contains detailed information about the report result, the format of which varies across reports, even for the same lab, depending on system configuration.
array This is an array of objects, each of which is a  sampleIdentifier-workflowSampleResultId pair that represents a result generated by workflow in this report and therefore for this sample. Note that, in some configurations, multiple workflows can generate results for a sample that are all represented in a report. sampleIdentifier will always be the same and will always match the sampleIdentifier at the root level of this payload.
GET on the testResults endpoint (link), passing a  workflowSampleResultId from this payload to get details for that result.
timestamp integer Epoch timestamp of when payload was generated
organizationTimezone string Timezone configured for organization. All time stamps in payload will be sent in UTC
ex: "America/Los_Angeles"
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