Integration Compendium


Ovation can integrate with other systems through Ovation's API and webhooks or by using features that import and export HL7 messages. These integrations often require you to know what values are expected and allowed and, in many cases, that list of values depends on how Ovation is configured for you -- and even how it is configured for the specific projects and requisition templates you use.

Use the Download Compendium feature to download these lists in a form that you can easily scan, load into another system or just share with your integration development team.

Downloading the Compendium

The following permissions are required to download the compendium:

  • Read level on the Integrations permission (which is required to get to More | Lab | Integrations)
  • Read level on the Project Settings permission
  • Read level on the Sales permission
  • Read level on the Billing Settings permission
  • Access to at least one project
  1. Navigate to More | Lab | Integrations
  2. Choose the gear icon in the upper right and then choose "Download Compendium"
  3. Complete the form
    1. Project: Select a project
    2. Template: Select a requisition template within that project. The lists will include expected and allowed values specific to that template.
  4. Press Download
  5. Ovation will create a ZIP file as described below and write it to your local system according to your normal browser configuration and behavior

Compendium Specification

The ZIP file contains these eight files:

  • summary.txt
  • providerAccounts.csv
  • insuranceProviders.csv
  • template.csv
  • sampleGroups.csv
  • testPanels.csv
  • routingRules.csv
  • customAttributes.csv


This file describes when the ZIP was generated, where it was generated from ( sandbox or production ) and which organization and template it was generated for.


This comma-separated file lists all defined provider accounts along with their associated physicians. Provider accounts with no associated physicians are listed once (with blanks in the provider columns). Note that this list is not specific to the template.

Field Usage
name The provider account's name
account_number The provider account's account number
provider_name The name of a provider associated with this provider account
provider_licensing_registry_number That provider's number in the licensing registry, usually an NPI
provider_licensing_registry The registry in which that provider is licensed, usually "NPI" (meaning: NPPES)


This comma-separated file lists all defined insurance providers. Note that this list is not specific to the template.

Field Usage
name The insurance provider's name


This comma-separated file has one row that holds information about the selected template.

Field Usage
name The name of the template for which this compendium was generated
id The Ovation-internal ID for this template, which is often necessary to know when using Ovation's API and webhooks
medication_types A comma-separated list of RxNorm medication types that are allowed for this template. One or more of: SBD , BPCK , SCD , GPCK , BN , IN or MIN
billing_types A comma-separated list of billing types that are allowed for this template. One or more of: Bill Insurance , Facility Pay or Patient Pay


This comma-separated file lists all sample groups defined in the selected template.

Field Usage
template_name The name of the template for which this compendium was generated
name The name of the sample group
minimum_samples The minimum number of samples that can be provided in this group
maximum_samples The maximum number of samples that can be provided in this group
allowed_container_types A comma-separated list of container types that are allowed for samples in this group
allowed_sample_types A comma-separated list of sample types that are allowed for samples in this group


This comma-separated file lists all test panels configured to be used in the selected template. Test panels accounts with no associated tests are listed once (with blanks in the test columns).

Field Usage
name The test panel's name
code The test panel's code
test_name The name of a test associated with the test panel
test_code That test's code


This comma-separated file lists all routing rules defined for the selected template.

Field Usage
template_name The name of the template for which this compendium was generated
sample_type The sample type for the routing rule
sample_group_name The sample group name for the routing rule
test_panel_codes A comma-separated list of the routing rule's test panel codes
workflows A comma-separated list of the workflows that the routing rule queues samples to


This comma-separated file lists custom attributes that have been configured to be shown in the template's requisition form (note that custom attributes that do not require input, such as instructions, will be excluded from this file).

Field Usage
entity_type Either requisition , patient or sample
key The custom attribute's key
name The custom attribute's name
data_type Either string , date or boolean
values A comma-separated list of expected and allowed values when those are defined
requirement_level Either required , optional or hidden
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