Permissions Detail

Permissions controlling access to functionality in the Ovation LIMS can be held at one of three access levels: Read, Write and Admin. Each level is inclusive of the previous: Admin access confers the access defined for Write access; Write access confers the access defined for Read.

Functional permissions sometimes pertain to information that is held within a project (requisitions, samples ...). In those cases, the user must have that permission through a role granted to them at the organization level and also be added to the project's user list. In this context, the role in the project user list does not matter.

Roles on the project user list do matter for one thing: results report signing. Requisitions can be configured to require that results reports are signed by a user with a certain role (or by multiple users with different roles). In this context, the role granted to the user on the project is considered.

Permissions controlling access to documents work differently (as described in Documentation Permissions below).

Note: The role called "Admin" confers certain access to users, even if they do not have the otherwise required permission. These exceptions are listed in Administration Permissions below.

The implication of granting each available permission is defined below according to the category of the permission:

Administration Permissions

Permission Read Write Admin
Manual Notifications This permission is obsolete

Org Permissions N/A N/A View and modify role and document folder permissions
This access is implicitly conferred to users granted a role called "Admin"
Org Roles & Permissions Enables Roles & Permissions and Documents tab N/A View, create, rename and delete roles and document folders (but only if the user also has Admin on Org Permissions)
This access is implicitly conferred to users granted a role called "Admin"
Org Security N/A Modify organization security settings (under Settings > Security)
Same as Write
Org User Roles N/A N/A View and modify user role grants
This access is implicitly conferred to users granted a role called "Admin"
Org Users View users Create, modify and delete users Same as Write
This access is implicitly conferred to users granted a role called "Admin"
Sales View Sales Accounts, Provider Accounts, Providers and Contacts Modify and delete Sales Accounts, Provider Accounts, Providers and Contacts Same as Write

Analytics Permissions

Permission Read Write or Admin
Analytics Required to access the Analytics menu
View Turnaround Times pages
View Fax History and re-send faxes
View the Turnaround Time History, Reports Signed and Samples by Stage charts on the Project Dashboard
Same as Read
ASP Reporting Generate and download ASP reports
View the report generation schedule
Schedule report generation
COVID-19 Reporting Generate and download COVID-19 reports
View the report generation schedule
Schedule report generation
Infectious Disease Reporting Generate and download Infectious Disease reports
Same as Read
QC Workflow Reports Generate and download QC Workflow reports Same as Read
Requisition Reports Generate and download Requisition Reports
View the report generation schedule
Schedule report generation

Biobanking Permissions

Permission Read Write or Admin
Biobanks Select Receiver for a shipment (needed to create or modify a shipment) Same as Read
Shipments View shipments Create, modify and delete shipments

Configuration Permissions

Permission Read Write or Admin
Billing Settings View billing settings and billing submissions (More > Lab > Billing Settings) Modify billing settings
Instruments View instruments (More > Lab > Instruments) Create, modify and delete instruments
Integrations View integration configuration and event logs (More > Lab > Integrations) Modify integration configuration
Plating Configuration View plating configurations (More > Lab > Plating Configurations)
Required to use plating configuration in workflows
Create, modify and delete plating configurations
System Settings View organizational settings (More > Settings > System Settings) Modify organizational settings
Test Configurations N/A View, create, modify and delete configurations on tests
Test Genes View tests definitions, including test configurations (More > Lab > Test Panels) Create, modify and delete tests (not including test configurations)
Test Panels View test panel definitions (More > Lab > Test Panels) Create, modify and delete test panels

Document Permissions

Access to documents in the Ovation LIMS is controlled by access levels granted for document folders:

  • View access on a folder allows users to see what files are in the folder
  • Read access on a folder allows users to see the contents of the files in that folder (previewing and downloading)
  • Write access on a folder allows users to create, modify
  • Admin access on a folder allows users to delete files in that folder

These permissions depend on how they are held. If the role (that includes this access) is granted at the organization level, the user can access documents in that folder at the organization level (under More > Documents). If it is granted on a project, then they can access documents in that folder in that project (in the Documents tab on the project and on any requisition in that project).

Note that patient result reports are actually documents (stored in the Incomplete Documents or Complete Documents folder for the requisition). Users must have the appropriate document permission in order to preview those reports (in a requisition's Reports tab).

There is one regular permission pertaining to documents:

Permission Read, Write or Admin
Documents Enables the Documents menu (for access to documents at the organization level
Enables Documents Requiring Signature on the organization dashboard

Inventory Permissions

Permission Read Write or Admin
Containers View containers (More > Containers) Create, modify and delete containers
Inventory Management View controls and adapters (More > Lab > Controls and More > Lab > Adapters) Create, modify and delete controls and adapters
Samples View samples under the Samples menu; only samples on the projects the user is on are listed Same as Read

Project Permissions

Permission Read Write Admin
Project Settings View project settings Modify project settings (except report and billing configuration) Modify report and billing configuration
Project User Roles View project users Add and remove project users Same as Write
Projects Required to view any project (users must also be on the project's user list
Create projects Delete projects

Requisition Permissions

Permission Read Write or Admin
Requisition Signature N/A Sign requisition results reports
Requisitions View requisitions, including samples
Enables Unsigned Requisitions and Rejected Samples on the organization dashboard
Create, modify and delete requisitions and requisition templates
Regenerate reports
Create provider accounts (as secondary provider accounts on a requisition)
Queue samples to workflow types
Report Generation N/A Generate a report through this API
Report Re-generation Status N/A Set the report type (either "Final" or "Correction") when re-generating a report
Report Release View Report Release on the organization dashboard Use Report Release

Training Permissions

The Org Training Packages and Training permissions are obsolete.

Workflow Permissions

Permission Read Write or Admin
Workflows View workflows, including all activities, and queues
View Active Workflows on the organization dashboard
Create and modify workflows, including all activities
Activities View information about any activity in a workflow Modify, submit and undo any activity in a workflow
All other permissions in the Workflow category View information about activity of that type in a workflow Modify, submit and undo activities of that type in a workflow

Webhook Permissions

Webhook administration must be done through the API and two permissions control that: Webhook Administrator and Webhook User. Their usage is defined in the article that describes these APIs.

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