Improved Provider Accounts Management - Contacts Merge

The Improved Provider Accounts Management features allow customers to eliminate redundancies for Provider Contacts by undergoing a one time data merge. This article explains what happens if you decide to have the data merge performed. For more information on the capabilities of the Improved Providers Features, please see our Improved Provider Accounts - Beta Tester Guide article.

After submitting a request to turn on the Improved Provider Accounts, you will receive a Contact Merge CSV. The Contact Merge CSV will show all the current duplicate Contacts that are found in your organization. The CSV will also detail the results of the merge if you decide to proceed with it. You may request to apply the data merge anytime after Improved Provider Accounts is enabled. 

Note: Once the data merge is performed it cannot be undone. Review your Contact Merge CSV carefully before opting in.

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Contact Merge CSV

The Contact Merge CSV lists all Contacts that would be impacted by the merge. Impacted Contacts may be marked for deletion or retained as a partial entry in the case of a unique fax number with duplicate emails. 

Contacts marked for deletion: will have the “Updated Archived” column set to “TRUE”

Contacts retained as a partial entry: will have the “Updated Archived” column set to “FALSE” and a blank cell under “Updated Email”

Contacts with Duplicate Email and Fax Numbers

Contacts with the same contact email and fax number will result in one contact being retained and the “duplicates” being deleted. The retained contact will be the one most recently updated. 

Deleted contacts will no longer be displayed in the Ovation LIMS. Additionally, the Associated Provider Accounts and Providers will be migrated to the retained contact entry.  

Tip: If you wish to retain a specific contact from your list of duplicates, edit the contact you wish to retain and save. Updating your chosen contact will result in that contact being retained after the merge. 

Contacts with Duplicate Email and different Fax Numbers

Contacts with the same contact email, but different fax numbers, will all be retained. 

Duplicate entries will keep their unique fax numbers in their contact record. However, duplicate entries will no longer have an email address in their contact record.

Note: The duplicate entries with the same email, but different fax numbers will have their associated Provider Accounts and Providers migrated to the most recently updated Contact with the shared email. 

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