Creating File Exchange Integrations

To create a file exchange integration:

  1. Go to More > Lab > Integrations.
  2. If you already have one or more integrations: choose Add Integration to access the integrations Gallery. (If you do not have any integrations yet, More > Lab > Integrations will take you straight to the Gallery.)
  3. Select File Exchange from the Gallery.
  4. Provide a unique name for the Integration. Choose a name that will help you and your team recall what this integration does.
  5. Configure the SFTP connection (see below).
  6. Select Create to save the integration
  7. Create one or more routes for the integration. (See here.)

Configuring the SFTP Connection

File exchange integrations transfer files through an SFTP host that both Ovation and the integrated system can access. You can use your own SFTP host or let Ovation provide one for you.

  1. If necessary, navigate to More > Lab > Integration, choose a file exchange integration and then choose the Configuration tab.
  2. Toggle "USE OVATION HOSTED SFTP" to indicate whether you will provide the SFTP server or you want Ovation to provide it.
  3. If you will provide it…
    1. HOST: Enter the URL of the host
    2. PORT: Enter the port the host uses
    3. USERNAME: Enter the username, assuring that the account has write access to the specified folder
    4. PASSWORD: Enter the corresponding password
    5. ROOT FOLDER: Enter the file folder in which your HL7 messages will be found. As described below, you will have the opportunity to specify sub-folders, which will be appended to this path.
  4. If Ovation will provide it…
    1. The host, username and initial SSH key will be generated for you automatically.
    2. The port is 22.
    3. You can create and manage additional SSH keys as needed.
    4. You can regenerate, modify or deactivate the SSH keys as needed.

Testing your SFTP Connection

If you are using your own SFTP host, you can easily test whether Ovation is able to connect to it and authenticate with the credentials you provided. Just press the Test Connection button. Ovation will attempt to connect and authenticate. If this fails, Ovation will display the error message received from the host.

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