Configuring a Requisition Template

This article describes how to configure a requisition template in Ovation LIMS. A user must have Write or Admin level of the Requisition permission in order to create a new requisition template.

Create the Requisition Template

  1. Navigate to Projects > select the applicable project > Settings tab
    1. Note: If a new Project is needed for this Requisition Template, see the article on Creating a New Project before proceeding.
  2. Click the green Add Requisition Template button > choose New Requisition Template
    1. Note: You will also see an option to Import a Requisition Template when you click the Add Requisition Template button. This option is designed for creating a Requisition Template using an exported json file from another Requisition Template. See the article on Exporting and Importing a Requisition Template for more details.
  3. You can choose to start a requisition template from scratch, or copy an existing template and make any needed edits after copying
    1. To start from scratch:
      1. Enter the Requisition Template Name and optional Description (all requisition template names must be unique)
      2. Click the green Submit button
      3. Once the new form opens, click the green Save button and refresh your browser screen
      4. Follow the guidance in the sections below to complete the configuration of the template
    2. To copy an existing template: 
      1. Click the checkbox next to ‘Copy existing template’
      2. Enter a Name for the new requisition template (all requisition template names must be unique)
      3. Under Existing Settings, choose the desired requisition template to be copied
      4. Click Submit
      5. Review the new requisition template and make any needed edits
        1. Note: All settings from the copied template will now be present in the new template you just created. Make any needed edits to the new template following the guidance in the sections below.
        2. Note: A numerical digit will have been automatically added to any report configuration display names in the new template since these names must always be unique.

Configure the Form settings

Note: The order of the sections of the requisition form can be arranged by using the up and down arrows in the top right corner of each section.

  1. General Settings
    1. Enable Provider Account: Turning this toggle on allows Sales Reps access to this requisition in the Portal. Requisition access is a setting on the Sales Reps page in the LIMS. Also, turning this toggle on makes “Provider” and “Provider Account” required to Save a requisition on the LIMS side. On the Portal side, it is always required.
    2. Additional Provider Accounts: Turning this toggle on enables the LIMS user to add additional Provider Accounts to a requisition form (not available for Portal users).
      Those additional Provider Accounts must already be created in the LIMS in order to choose them in the requisition. If the primary Provider Account on the requisition is in a Provider Account Group, then only other Provider Accounts in that group will be available for selection as an Additional Provider Account.
      The additional Provider Account Contacts will receive the patient report via fax/email, as configured for that Provider Account and Contact, but will not receive sample rejection notifications.
      Additional Provider Accounts cannot be added via API/HL7 integration or via .csv import.
    3. Additional Addresses: Turning this toggle on enables the Additional/Saved Addresses feature of the Improved Provider Accounts module. Saved Addresses allows entry of an additional address on the Order/Requisition Form.
    4. Portal Signature Required: Turning this toggle on forces a Portal user to electronically sign an order by attesting to the statement displayed after clicking the “Sign and Submit” button. The Contact must have their Role set to either Provider or Provider Delegate on the Provider Account Contacts page in the LIMS in order to be able to Sign & Submit an order. If the Role is set to None for a Contact, that user will be able to Save Draft in the Portal, but not Submit the order to the Lab.
    5. Auto Verification: Turning this toggle on will remove the need to separately verify the requisition after all fields are complete. Therefore, once all fields are complete and the requisition is Saved, then the Req Form status immediately goes to Verified and no further action is needed to verify the requisition. This is especially useful if the lab is getting orders via the Portal and then using the Samples Receive UI when the sample arrives at the lab.
    6. Disable Report Delivery: Turning this toggle on will prevent the reports from being delivered to the Portal.
  2. Requisition Information
    1. Autogenerate Identifiers: Turning on this toggle will cause the requisition identifiers to be auto-generated. Each time a requisition is created, the next sequential number will be auto-populated in the requisition identifier field. If this configuration is selected, you must input an identifier pattern (see the example shown on the screen).
      1. Note:  If 2 or more requisitions are being created at the same time, the initial auto-populated number may change upon submit, but will always be unique.
    2. Custom Attributes: Used to add custom attributes to the Requisition section of the form.
      1. Note: If you don’t see the attribute needed in the dropdown, please contact to request those attributes to be added.
  3. Supplemental Documents: Turning on this toggle allows for documents to be attached when filling out the requisition form.
  4. Samples: This section creates Sample Groups
    1. Group Name: Replace the 'Default' Group Name with the preferred name (e.g., COVID-19, RPP, PGx, etc), but consider:
      1. Users will see this on the requisition form
      2. This name will be used in orders integrations
    2. Number of samples required/allowed: 
      1. Setting the number of samples required to ‘0' will force the user to choose a Group before entering the sample information on the requisition. 
      2. Note: This will also allow Portal users to Save Draft orders without entering any sample information (only provider information & requisition ID required to Save Draft in this case)
      3. Setting the number of samples allowed to >1 will give the user the option to 'Add Sample’ when filling out the req.
    3. Enforce Single Identifier: Turning on this toggle will cause the sample identifiers to be auto-generated. If this configuration is selected, you must input a Sample Identifier Interpolation, which must contain {requisition.identifier} (see the example shown on the screen).
    4. Container Types Allowed: This allows for the selection of the type of containers in which specimens are received. 
      1. Note: Tube container represents any primary specimen container (such as a swab, urine cup or blood tube).
    5. Sample Types Allowed:  This allows for the selection of the sample types that are acceptable for the Sample Group.
      1. Note: If you don’t see the sample type needed in the dropdown, please contact to request those sample types to be added.
    6. Custom Fields: Used to add custom attributes to the Sample section of the form.
      1. Note: If you don’t see the attribute needed in the dropdown, please contact to request those attributes be added.
    7. Add Group: Click to add additional Sample Groups. Setting up multiple Sample Groups is helpful if:
      1. The lab is expecting to receive more than 1 sample per requisition on a regular basis
      2. The lab wants different auto-generated sample identifiers depending on the type of samples (for example, on an infectious disease requisition, the lab might get both a urine & swab and might want the urine sample ID to start with ‘U' and the swab sample ID to start with 'S’)
      3. There are Sample custom attributes needed with only certain sample types/groups
      4. The lab will be receiving multiple samples of the same type and needs to route both to the same workflow
        1. Scenario: Two Nasal swabs (ie, same sample type) on the same req/patient arrive for Covid testing
        2. If the samples are in the same Sample Group, then only 1 will be routed to the Covid workflow and the 2nd sample will be seen as a ‘back-up’ sample and will not be routed to a workflow (could be manually routed, if needed)
        3. If the samples are in different Sample Groups, then both will be routed to the Covid workflow
        4. Note: If 2 samples for the same req/patient arrive and have different sample types (eg, swab & urine) then both will be routed to the workflows as set up in the Sample Routing section of the requisition settings.
  5. Tests: Choose the applicable test panels that should be available on this requisition.
    1. Test Panels can be arranged in a specific order by using the Arrange button in the lower right corner of the Tests section.
    2. Test Panels can be grouped together by hovering over a selected test panel and clicking the Gear icon to the right of that test panel. Associating dependent test panels in the modal that appears will result in those panels automatically being selected when the original panel is selected in the Req Form.
      1. Notes on filling out a Req Form with grouped test panels:
        • If all tests are deselected in any associated/dependent test panel, that test panel along with the original test panel will be automatically deselected. 
        • Associated/dependent test panels can still be selected individually as well as with the test panels with which they are associated. 
  6. Patient Information: Turning on this toggle enables the Patient Information section on the form.
    1. Set fields to optional/required, as needed
    2. Custom Fields: Used to add custom attributes to the Patient section of the form.
      1. Note: If you don’t see the attribute needed in the dropdown, please contact to request those attributes be added.
  7. Billing Information: Turning on this toggle enables the Billing Information section on the form.
    1. Toggles can be enabled for any of the billing types (insurance, patient pay, facility pay)
    2. Set fields to optional/required, as needed
  8. Medication Information: Turning on this toggle enables the Medications section on the form.
    1. Toggles can be enabled for any of the medication types (Include Drugs, Include Medications, Include Compounds, Coriell Medications Only)
      1. Note: Turning on the toggle for Coriell Medications Only is recommended when using a Coriell PGx integration.
  9. ICD-10 Code Information: Turning on this toggle enables the Diagnosis Information / ICD-10 Code(s) section of the form. Mark as Required, if applicable.
  10. Secondary Provider Account
    1. Contact to enable this feature
  11. Secondary Use Notification & Medical Consent
    1. Contact your Account Manager to learn more about adding these to your requisition template
  12. EHR Documents: Turning on this toggle enables the EHR Document upload section on the form. This can be utilized in some billing integrations.
  13. Portal Ordering Overrides
    1. Hide Sample Section: Turning on this toggle will hide the entire Samples section from the Ovation Portal, so that Portal users will not be able to view or enter any information in the Samples section of the form.
    2. Note: This will hide the collection date/time and the sample type from the Portal user, so the lab needs to be able to collect that information either on the sample container itself or other paperwork that may come with the sample. If the lab wants to collect this information on the electronic order from the Portal user, these fields can be added as custom attributes in the Requisition section.
  14. Print Template Settings: This is used to specify which Requisition Print Template should be used when printing a completed requisition. If there is only one Requisition Print Template available in the dropdown, then the form will default to this template and no selection needs to be made here.
  15. Click the green Save button

Configure the Sample Routing

  1. Click the Sample Routing option on the left side of the screen
  2. Click the green Edit Routing Rules button
  3. Apply These Sample Routing Rules dropdown menu
    1. All matching rules:  will look for any rule in the list that matches and apply all the matching routings  
    2. First matching rule: currently errors with this rule, recommend NOT using this option
    3. First matched in list: will look at the list in order and apply the routing to the first one it finds that matches
  4. Routing Rules
    1. Sample Type (required): Dropdown will display all sample types configured for the template; after Group is chosen, that list is filtered to only those sample types configured for that Sample Group.
    2. Group (required): Even though Group is labeled as optional in the UI, it is not optional. The Group is defined in the Form section of the requisition settings.
    3. Test Panel (optional): If multiple Test Panels are selected, this works as an “AND” function - where all Test Panels that are specified here will need to be selected in the requisition for that routing to happen. If you don’t specify any Test Panel, then the sample will be routed based on Sample Type and Group regardless of the Test Panel chosen.
    4. Workflow (required): Multiple Workflows may be selected, if needed. However, note that you only need to route it to the first in a series of workflows since the ‘next’ workflow is specified in the workflow definition. For example, you only need to select DNA Extraction, even if the sample will eventually be queued to another workflow after DNA Extraction is complete.
    5. Add Rule: Click to add additional rules, if needed
    6. Click the green Save button

Configure the Patient Reports

  1. Click the Reports option on the left side of the screen
  2. In the Select Report Configuration dropdown menu, choose the needed report type
    1. Note: If you don’t see the report type needed in the dropdown, please contact to request the report type be added.
  3. Enter a display name for the report: This will be displayed in both the LIMS and Ovation Portal Reports page. 
    1. All report display names must be unique
    2. Note: The Regenerate Report button (LIMS) will add the word “Report” to the end of whatever the display name is, so it is recommended to not include ‘report’ in the display name.
  4. Click Add Report
  5. Click the 3 dots to the far right of the report configuration that you just created, and choose Edit
  6. Select the checkbox next to the applicable Workflow(s)
    1. Check the boxes for the workflow(s) for which the report should be generated immediately after that workflow is complete (the last workflow(s) in a series). For example, if a sample is going first through a DNA Extraction workflow and then through a Covid-19 workflow, the report should be generated after the Covid-19 workflow, so that is the box you would check. Be sure to also check any associated repeat workflows, if applicable. You can check as many workflows as needed, but remember that you can only have a workflow on 1 report configuration per requisition template. Therefore, once you select a workflow checkbox for a report configuration, that workflow checkbox won’t be available in any additional report configurations you create for this requisition template.
  7. Custom Report Filename: A custom report filename format can be configured here. Custom options available:
    1. Constant values
    2. Requisition Identifier  {requisition.identifier}
    3. Sample Identifier  {sample.identifier}
    4. Provider Account Name  {}
    5. Test Panel Name  {}
    6. Test Panel Code  {requested_tests.code}
  8. Signature & Addendum toggles
    1. Require Signature?: Turning on this toggle requires the LIMS user to sign each report before it is released. 
      1. Note: If this toggle is turned off, comments cannot be added to a patient report before it is released.
    2. Append signature addendum page?: Turning on this toggle will attach/append a signature and comments page as a last page upon the signing of that report. This page displays the user that signed the report, their Role in Ovation LIMS and also any comments that were included for that report during the signing process.
    3. Require signature for correction only?: Turning on this toggle requires the user to sign a report if that report is a correction (which is a regenerated report after the original report was signed). If the Require Signature toggle is turned off, it is highly recommended that this toggle is turned on since it will create an addendum page with the correction reason/comment and require the user to only sign corrected reports. 
      1. Note: If the lab doesn’t want addendum pages added to original reports and only wants them on corrected reports, then you can turn off Append Signature toggle and just turn on the 2 ‘require signature’ toggles to accomplish this.
  9. Configuration: This is the report configuration JSON. This includes the report or params builder lambda, result type and other attributes that are associated with that particular report. This JSON is usually provided by the Ovation Customer Success team, or can be copied from another, similar report configuration and edited as needed (see articles on Patient Reports).
  10. Signature Configuration: This dictates which Role(s) can sign/release this report. The Role options for this section are any Roles that are currently set up in the organization, but using the Role of ‘Report Reviewer’ is recommended. 
    1. Recommended configuration with single signature required: [{"role": "Report Reviewer"}]
    2. Note: Be sure that the appropriate user with that role is added as a user to the Project.
    3. Other signature configuration options:
      • Two signatures required, with the second signature request only being generated after the first signature request is signed
        [ 	{
         	"role": "Medical Director",
         	"roles": [
         		"role": "Administrator"
        • Three signatures, no dependency between them
         		"role": "Medical Director"
         		"role": "Administrator"
         		"role": "CSO"
        • Three signatures, with the second and third signatures requests only being generated after the first request is signed
         		"role": "Medical Director",
         		"roles": [
         		"role": "Administrator"
         		"role": "CSO"
        • Three signatures with hierarchy of dependency
         		"role": "Medical Director",
         		"roles": [
         	  		"role": "Administrator",
         			"roles": [
         			"role": "CSO"
  11. Click the green Save button

Billing Section

This section of the requisition template is used for adding billing configurations for customers with integrated billing platforms. The information for this section is usually provided by the Ovation Customer Success team.

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