COVID-19 Serology Workflow Guide

Create a Workflow

1. Login to Ovation using your credentials

2. Click on the Workflows tab

3. Click on the blue bar associated with the COVID-19 Serology workflow

4. Select the “Covid-19 Serology” workflow and click “Create”

Create the Batch

1. Click on “Create Batch”

2. Check to see that the desired controls are selected; then, select the samples to be included in the batch by checking the boxes in the “Sample Identifier” column or by uploading a sample list

3. Click “Submit” in the upper right corner of the screen; then, click “Return to Workflow”

Tip: After each step is submitted, a gear icon will appear. Click the gear icon to undo the step, if needed.

Data Import

1. Click on “Data Import”

2. Upload or drag and drop a CSV file of the test results using the predetermined column headers and click “Submit”

3. Click “Return to Workflow”


1. Click on “QC” to complete QC for the batch and allow reports to be released

2. Click on each control and sample to review the results. Check the box to the right of the control or sample to mark it as reviewed

3. Determine the appropriate status for each sample:

  • Accept: results are acceptable - choosing this option will generate a patient report
  • Repeat: sample should be repeated - choosing this option will queue the sample to a repeat workflow
  • Reject: sample result failed and sample is unacceptable for further testing - choosing this option will send the sample to the Pending Rejection queue

4. Once all controls and samples have been marked as reviewed, click “Submit” in the top right corner. Then click “Return to Workflow”

5. Patient reports that have been generated can now be signed and released

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