Creating a New Test Panel

This article contains instructions on:

  • Creating a new test panel
  • Adding a test panel to a requisition
  • Adding tests to a test panel
  • Editing existing test panels

1. Navigate to More > Lab > Test Panels

2. Click the Add Test Panel button, then select Add New Test Panel to enter a single test panel manually.

Tip: See this article to learn more about the Import Test Panels option.

3. After selecting Add New Test Panel, a screen will open where you can fill in the following fields: 

  • Type - describes the type of panel. Note that if Test Configurations will be used, only “Infectious Disease” or “Resistance Gene” types are acceptable; also, if test panel results are desired on the Infectious Disease analytics report, then “Infectious Disease” type must be chosen.
  • Name - panel name displayed on Requisition Forms and Ovation-generated patient reports
  • Code - this code is used to identify the Test Panel and associate it with the appropriate algorithm; codes must be unique
  • CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) - code for billing purposes to be applied at the panel level 
  • Z-code - ICD-10-CM code for the reporting of factors influencing health status and contact with health services
  • Expected TAT (days) - this is the expected turnaround time between requisition creation and report signature
  • LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) - this is a code used to associate the test panel ordered with the universal standard database for laboratory observations 
  • Custom attributes - some test panels require specific custom attributes in order to properly set resulting and reporting algorithms

4. Click Create

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