Individual User Settings

Ovation LIMS users have “roles” and “permissions” that are set up by your System Administrator. Roles and permissions control what information and work you can see and edit in Ovation LIMS. For more information, talk to your Ovation LIMS Admin or check out the knowledge base article on the Roles and Permissions Matrix.

Ovation LIMS has a “User Settings” feature that can be set up by each user allowing you to:

Prefer a video? See this 3 minute video about Individual User Settings.


Under the Profile section, you can change your first and last name. Only an administrator can change your email address after account creation.

1. From the dropdown menu next to your user name at the top right of any window, select Settings > Account.

2. From the Profile tab, you can edit your first and last name if needed. The email field is greyed out, and can only be altered by an administrator.

System Email Notifications

You can tailor your email notifications to fit your preferences. 

1. From the dropdown menu next to your user name at the top right of any window, select Settings > Account and then click the Notification Settings tab.

2. System Email Notifications settings will appear with a default setting to receive email notifications instantly.

3. To schedule a single daily email with a complete digest of applicable requisitions/reports:

A. Select Daily from the drop down menu

B. Select the time of day you would like to receive the email notification

4. If the “Comments” feature is enabled for your portal, you will also see a “Comment Email Notifications” section where you can control email notifications for comments on orders.

  • To receive an email notification if a comment is added to an order, toggle “Comments are added” to green/On
  • To receive an email notification when you are specifically mentioned in a comment, toggle “Person mentions me in a comment” to green/On

Note: If you get a message that says “You don’t have permissions to receive system email notifications. Contact your administrator to be granted permission,” you need to be given the “Notifications” Role. See your system admin to have them enable this role.

Password Reset and Two-Factor Verification

1. From the dropdown menu next to your user name at the top right of any window, select Settings > Security.

2. You can reset your password by clicking the Reset Password button and following the prompts. Follow the password requirements format when resetting your password.

3. You can enable two-step verification for your account by toggling the Enable button and following the prompts.

Prefer video format?

You can watch this 3 minute video covering user settings.

Tip: Use the pop-out arrow on the top-right of the video screen to expand the video window.
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